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Christmas with Covid-19 and Season Yikes!

Well, it is quickly approaching Christmas on the farm, and have we been busy. We have been decorating all month, studio, two bed, loft, and main floor. In fact, I went a little nuts decorating this year Lol. Used all those decorations my ex said I never would. Hung more icicles than I ever thought I would... Did you know our fence line is 594 linear feet at the front???? I didn't either! I do now!. Every single residence has icicles, the loft balcony has twinkle lights running all the way around their patio and down the stairs to the lake. It truly is stunning!

Let's talk horses. Yep, it also happens to be that time of year when Wellington is overrun by Equestrians from all over the world... and this year we have the added fun times of covid-19. Covid has brought around an especially difficult set of problems what with trying to plan the equestrian events which are... you know SOCIAL! It's been a difficult time for everyone involved in the equestrian world. Trying to plan horse shows that involve grooms, trainers, adult riders, and kids, while keeping everyone safe... And still trying to keep the spirit of these high-end events.

We on the farm and rentals side have had no easy task either. What used to take three hours to clean now takes six. Everything must be sprayed, fogged, and disinfected. Properties must stay empty in between stays, and we as hosts and owners must be especially careful to set up protocols in barns, and common areas.

So while I may have gone a little crazy with decorating and of course cooking on Christmas as I usually do... I thought this year needed an extra touch, extra thought, and some extra love. I am sure the guests will appreciate it, during these tough times.

I sure do hope everyone enjoys Christmas on the farm, I plan to build it slowly every single year to make it bigger and bigger...

Happy Holidays! Stay Safe everyone!

and ride on!

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