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Choose your pricing plan

  • Feed and Care Animal

    Every month
    100% of this money goes to the farm animals and their care
    • Hay, Grain, Corn, Supplements and Cubes
  • Vet and Medical Fund

    Every month
    vet and medical fund for the animals 100% goes to them
    • Vet care, insurance, Medical, and emergency supplies
    • Help us to help more animals!
  • Plantings

    Every month
    Help us build our urban farm be a part of our community
    • 100% of all monies goes straight back to the farm
    • Fruit trees, micro-greens, hydroponic veggies, and more
    • Help us educate kids and agricultural living, and farming
  • One time donation

    If you loved your experience donate so we can do more!
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