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Getting back to basics Farm School!

Updated: Aug 18, 2020

Here we are again evolving. So with Covid-19 affecting schools, students, and families, we thought this could be a great opportunity to not only give back to the community but take this time hardship and use if for learning and positivity... What better way we thought to social distance than on a farm. My kids live on one so they're stuck haha! This got me thinking... Our kids here on the farm did so well with the lockdowns. They also loved homeschooling though they did that before COVID and they never get sick. How could we provide that to the vast number of parents now struggling with kids used to being in the school setting and not being able to go back? Easy. Farm school. The kids would come and be taught here on the farm by teachers and in an immersive environment as they have never had. The teachers could tailor the curriculum to work with the farm environment, and the kids could be outside work on the farm and really learn in an outdoor environment while social distancing and staying relatively safe from Covid-19.

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